Put one step at a time,
and just keep moving forward
Ricky Deane is a Vice President for a major Airline today, having spent the last 30 years, working his way up through the ranks.
I started my career off by cleaning aircrafts, loading bags, pushing wheelchairs, and other duties at a starting pay rate of $2.25 per hour. Yes, you read that correctly, $2.25 per hour with zero benefits.
It’s been a long, challenging road getting to that label of Vice President on my office door. The similarities of now being a marathon/long-distance runner and pacing myself, even when the hills are approaching, and the muscles are starting to ache; the same strive applies in business life. I just don’t quit.
That’s the basis of my mindset, putting one foot in front of the other at a steady pace. I may not be the fastest runner, nor am I the smartest person in his company, but one thing is always for sure, I will finish the race, even if I have to crawl to that finish line. I have maintained the same attitude at work; knowing I will accomplish any task or assignment for the team. Quitting is not an option for me.
“You may be smarter, stronger, or wealthier than me… but you aren’t going to outwork me.”
— Ricky Deane, Author, I Didn’t Come This Far, To Only Come This Far